
Gottfried Mandlburger studied geodesy at TU Wien, where he also obtained his Ph.D. in 2006. After finishing a 3-years research stay at the University of Stuttgart (2017-2019), he returned to TU Wien in 2020, where he is currently working as senior researcher and lecturer at the research division Photogrammetry within the Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation. In November 2021 he obtained his venia docendi in Photogrammetry for his habilitation thesis on “Bathymetry from active and passive Photogrammetry”.

His main research areas are airborne topographic and bathymetric LiDAR from both manned and unmanned platforms, multimedia photogrammetry, bathymetry from multispectral images, DTM modelling, topographic data management, and scientific software development. He is closely working together with experts in the field of hydraulic engineering emphasising on flood and habitat modelling. Gottfried Mandlburger is chair of the working group hydrography/bathymetry of the German Association of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (DGPF) and coordinator of the scientific LiDAR software suite OPALS developed at TU Wien. He acts as guest editor for PFG (Journal of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Science), and organized the special issue entitled “Bathymetry from images, LiDAR, and Sonar”. He is awardee of ISPRS (U.V. Helava Best Paper Award 2019) and ASPRS (John I. Davidson President’s Award 2019) for recent publications on bathymetry from active and passive photogrammetry.