Dr Ran Goldblatt is a Chief Scientist at New Light Technologies (NLT) in Washington DC. Dr. Goldblatt has a background in remote sensing and geospatial analysis, at scale, and the development of methodologies and tools for monitoring natural hazards, LCLU changes, and economic development. Dr. Goldblatt leads multiple projects conducted with the World Bank, including monitoring economic activity with nighttime lights, tracking urbanization processes in developing cities and evaluating deforestation processes. He also supports FEMA’s disaster remote sensing team-leading modernization initiatives underway to automate collection, processing, and dissemination of imagery for the national disasters community. This work includes the development of solutions which integrate and catalog a range of governmental and commercial data sources, including USGS’s HDDS, and use of technologies such as Voyager Search, Esri, ENVI, Google, DigitalGlobe, and a variety of cloud platforms. Dr. Goldblatt received his Bachelor’s, master’s, and Ph.D. in Geography and the Human Environment from Tel-Aviv University (Israel) and has worked as a Researcher and Lecturer at the University of California, San Diego.