Combining GIS and Agricultural Engineering to Develop Irrigation Solution
Supergeo has announced that the Agricultural Engineering Research Center (AERC), a leading research institute in irrigation study, has collaborated with Supergeo to develop an irrigation solution based on SuperGIS software. The result of this collaboration is expected to be shared with and promoted to the Southeast Asian countries in November 2017.
Established in 1971, AERC is a professional research institute supported by Taiwan government. With the goal of promoting modern technologies and scientific management in agriculture, AERC has been dedicated to introducing new techs in GPS, GIS, remote sensing and ecological engineering to the farms in Taiwan. Most projects initiated by AERC are accomplished, which helps them earn the international reputation and the opportunity to collaborate with other research centres to share their experiences and skills.
Crop water requirement
After intensive discussions with AERC’s specialists, the product team of Supergeo has developed a new-SuperGIS Desktop extension: Irrigation Analyst. Customised by Python language, Irrigation Analyst is designed to help farm managers estimate the crop water requirement of specified parcels after importing information of the crops and environment. Also, it can seamlessly work with other SuperGIS software and form a complete irrigation solution. By using SuperSurv to update onsite data and SuperGIS Server to manage web services, the total solution enables users to save the water resource as well as reduce the cost. Moreover, this solution is possible to integrate with new techs and makes a crucial step toward smart and sustainable farming.
Supergeo will start with promoting this solution in ASEAN countries, especially the ones that Supergeo has reliable partners, like Indonesia, the Philippines, and Malaysia.

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