Final call: take part in the geospatial industry survey 2025

Final call: take part in the geospatial industry survey 2025

This is your last chance to share your perspectives in this year’s GIM International geospatial industry survey! Your insights are key to painting a detailed picture of the current state of the sector and uncovering opportunities for growth and innovation.

The annual survey provides an opportunity to reflect on the trends, challenges, and expectations shaping the geospatial world. By contributing their views, land surveyors and geospatial professionals worldwide can help highlight their priorities and concerns. The findings will be featured in the GIM International 2025 Business Guide, set for publication this February. To make it easy to participate, this year’s survey has been streamlined for quicker completion. 

Your voice matters. By participating and sharing the survey with your peers, you will play a vital role in shaping a comprehensive understanding of our dynamic industry. Click here to get started.

The geospatial industry survey conducted by GIM International offers a valuable opportunity to assess the current state of the mapping and surveying field.
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