Innovating land management for Indonesia's future
Kadaster has been instrumental in modernizing and enhancing land administration in Indonesia through a fruitful partnership with the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning, known as ATR/BPN. Over the past four years, this collaboration has significantly contributed to economic growth and improved spatial planning across the nation. Kadaster is the Dutch land registry and mapping agency.
The journey began with the launch of the Modern Land Registration Initiative (IMLRI), designed to transform ATR/BPN into a customer-focused data management entity. The project set forth several ambitious goals, including the digital transformation of ATR/BPN, fostering public trust in land administration e-services through improved data quality, and completing the cadastral map via local participation methods.
80 million land parcels
ATR/BPN has made remarkable strides, successfully mapping over 80 million land parcels in just five years, with half of these parcels also being legalized. This milestone not only propels economic growth but also enhances human rights related to land ownership.
Kadaster has been pivotal in supporting ATR/BPN's staff and leadership throughout this transformative process. The organization provided capacity building, expert guidance, and practical know-how through a variety of initiatives, such as face-to-face workshops, a series of webinars, knowledge exchange roadshows, collaborative publications, and thorough reviews of ATR/BPN’s services and tools.
Navigating the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, which complicated travel and knowledge exchange, Kadaster adapted its strategy. The team successfully visited ten local offices to offer advisory support and trained over a thousand ATR/BPN staff members across Java and Sumatra.
Ongoing collaboration
At a wrap-up workshop in June 2024, the progress made by ATR/BPN in its digital transformation was evident. This advancement was influenced by successful models from the Dutch Kadaster, including the PDOK and the Dutch Key Register system. The introduction of new service standards and office designs has enhanced transparency and improved customer satisfaction. Furthermore, the development of new apps and e-services, along with the digitization of internal processes and data quality improvement programmes, marks a significant leap forward in legal and spatial data management.
Looking toward the future, both Kadaster and ATR/BPN recognize numerous opportunities for continued partnership. They plan to maintain a coaching role on critical topics such as 3D cadastre, key registers, National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI), land-use planning, and the creation of value-added data products. To solidify this ongoing collaboration, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed at the end of 2023.

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