ISPRS Geospatial Week 2017
During the ISPRS Geospatial Week 2015 in La Grande Motte, France, the decision was taken to hold the next Geospatial Week in China, organised by Wuhan University. A strong Chinese delegation submitted a winning application to the panel and was successful in their bid. Wuhan University is the largest university in the field of photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial science, with approximately 4,000 undergraduate and graduate students.
The 2017 edition of the Geospatial Week will take place from 18 to 22 September with Deren Li, honorary member of ISPRS, as director. He will be joined by a large team headed by Jianya Gong (currently president of Commission VI), Huayi Wu and Bisheng Yang.
The organizing committee looks forward to an interesting and successful Geospatial Week in 2017 and already welcomes all readers to join them in Wuhan!

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