SimActive software deployed for Himalayan mapping project
SimActive has announced the use of its Correlator3D software by Indian firm Nektor Engineers and Project Consultants (NEPC) for mapping projects in the Himalayas. The NEPC team used the software to create a cohesive mapping dataset from multiple drones capturing data over a difficult terrain.
Altitude, terrain and climate in the Himalayas severely limited the acquisition window for the NEPC team. As such, the data that came in from the field contained a lot of overlapping flights, each with varying image overlap that had to be accounted for in processing. Correlator3D worked well sorting out variations in overlap and altitude to ensure quality mapping deliverables were generated.
“When you’re mapping at very high altitudes in the Himalayas, there is not a lot of opportunity to go back and re-fly. It must be done right the first time to ensure the mapping products required are created,” said Krishn Pethani, CTO at Nektor Engineers and Project Consultants. “We have found Correlator3D to be the best for larger projects in difficult terrains with large variations in overlap.”
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