Welcome at the ISPRS Congress
Four years seems to be a long time if you do not have much to do. Four years are quite short when you are busy. My last four years were short. They were short because we prepared an 8-day Congress programme, and a 6-day Summer School. We created a large and powerful team of volunteers who set up, managed and processed the reviewing process. The process started with a call for papers that was opened in summer 2015 – a year ago, and followed by reviewing, decisions on acceptance, setting the congress programme, collecting final papers and publicising the ISPRS proceedings – The ISPRS Archives and the ISPRS Annals. The third millennium gave us new tools and further developed the quality of tools already used. Participants of the Congress can find the programme at the Congress web, including abstracts and final papers. They can find the programme in the Congress App. The App also allows them to find and contact all the other participants, to prepare questions for the presenters during the presentation, to follow the latest news at the Congress, and to view photos taken just a few minutes earlier. The App can be your diary, your guide, and your proceedings. Participants will have not only have access to daily congress news presented by GIM International, but also to a video – both about events of the previous day. Speeches by keynote speakers and plenary speakers will be recorded and made available, particularly for those who did not have time to attend the Congress.
In addition to being given the opportunity to listen to the latest news on sciences, participants will also be able to go back in the human history in Prague – by listening to a nice concert in the gothic Bethlehem Chapel, by visiting Prague – a city taken from an architecture encyclopedia with its old narrow streets, stone bridge with statutes, ….. and a Castle.
I look forward to meeting all who found at least one reason for attending the Congress and joining the other participants.
Lena Halounová

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