As 3D building information modelling (BIM) continues to be the technology-enabled process for design delivery, construction firms have looked for ways to leverage these 3D BIM models for downstream co...
Across the residential construction industry, tighter government building regulations and increasing customer demands are creating a need for digital layout techniques to achieve the highest productiv...
The Netherlands’ new Quality Assurance Act means that crews may be called on to prove they are building to plan at any point. For this, teams need to have a day-by-day overview of the project situat...
Increased focus on cloud computing and point clouds in the construction sector is expected to result in new levels of speed, collaboration and real-time communication. The construction sector is under...
Nearly all engineering, architecture and construction (AEC) professionals focus on finding new ways to increase margins and reduce liability in their businesses. As technology moves so quickly, it can...
Mark Heine is chairman of the board and CEO of Fugro, which is headquartered in the Netherlands. Fugro is among the leading and largest specialized survey companies in the world, serving the full life...
Whenever new objects have to be created, be it on or below the land and water, construction plays a role. The construction process often starts with surveying, either [marine surveying] or [land surveying] to determine the layout of the area involved. For the foundation extensive [geophysical surveying and seismics] as well as [geotechnical surveying] is performed.
All this information allows engineers and designers to engineer the object. The design is often developed in a 3D model through [cartography and GIS] and transferred to the work site digitally. During construction information on the construction is continuously compiled and compared to the model to track the progress and to accurately position the various elements but also the equipment. Where the finer details are concerned [metrology] plays an important role measing constructions to very small accuracies. Once constructed often a final survey is executed to determine the as-build status after which the maintenance with regular check surveys starts.
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