GIM International: INSPIRE 2016

For the INSPIRE Conference 2016 GIM International was invited to compile a special edition of the magazine focusing on the three thematic plenary sessions of the conference. The INSPIRE edition contains interviews with 15 keynote speakers relating to the three themes:

  • INSPIRE for Environment 
  • INSPIRE for the Digital Economy 
  • INSPIRE by Thematic Networks

The European INSPIRE Directive is about efficiently sharing digital spatial data between public authorities at all levels of government, across borders and with the general public.

Field of Statistics

Janusz DygaszewiczPage 28-29: A lot of statistics, from the initial survey data to the final statistical information, refer directly or indirectly to a specific location or geographical area. As such, depending on the theme covered, they could fall under the scope of the inspire directive. What is the european forum for geography and statistics and how is it involved in the implementation of inspire for statistical information?

Urban Waste Water

Benoît Fribourg-BlancPage 14-16: Since 2012, the European Commission has been carrying out a pilot programme for the implementation of the
SIIF concept to the Urban Waste-Water Treatment Directive (UWWTD). The aim is to automatically calculate the compliance with the directive and speed up the availability of information for decision-makers and the general public alike by creating an Urban Waste Water SIIF platform.

banner for the UAS Special 2016

banner for the Business Guide 2016
