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Pioneering precision in Swedish skyscrapers

The revolutionary use of active GNSS control points and cutting-edge geomatics equipment is setting new standards for accuracy in the construction of high-rise architecture, as demonstrated by this skyscraper project...

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Giving back heritage through digital twins

Rapid advancements and improvements in technology have made a huge difference to surveying techniques and solutions. Such a densely populated market of devices can feel overwhelming, leaving buyers baffled as...

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Accurate footprints from Antarctica

Remote sensing surveys in Antarctica based on unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs or ‘drones’) have become a very important approach for a wide range of studies. Mapping free-from-ice-and-snow terrain and monitoring...

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Capturing the Arctic and Antarctic

Capturing and measuring the environment in the Arctic and Antarctic is a particularly challenging job. The area of interest is often covered by a thick blanket of snow and ice,...

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