Challenging Surveys

walking up a mountain with snowSurveying projects are often undertaken in harsh or remote environments. While this is not always optimal for the land surveyors and other geomatics professionals involved, the projects make great stories in our magazine and on our website.

We’ve picked the finest selection of challenging survey projects from the last couple of years. Keep a close eye on the GIM International website or subscribe to the magazine to stay informed about many more exciting stories in the months and years ahead!

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Challenging Surveys

Operation IceBridge

Operation IceBridge

Operation IceBridge completed its 2014 Antarctic field campaign, the sixth in a row, at the end of November. The campaign was aimed at recapturing a part of the Antarctic ice sheet...

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Challenging Surveys

Multi-sensor Cave Detection in Bulgaria

Multi-sensor Cave Detection in Bulgaria

Caves are important in a wide variety of fields, ranging from construction engineering to mineral exploration and archaeology. Despite the scientific importance of caves, geologist...

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Christ the Redeemer Reconstructed in 3D

Christ the Redeemer Reconstructed in 3D

The famous statue of Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro has been reconstructed in 3D using a UAV. Challenging weather conditions and the sheer size of the monument meant that ca...

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News: Regular Surveys
