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Big Data, Rising Tides

Big Data, Rising Tides

Combining big data with satellite imagery can help cities such as Kampala, the capital of Uganda, to better prepare for natural disasters such as urban flooding and make more informed investment decis...

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Monitoring 3D Urban Growth

Monitoring 3D Urban Growth

This innovative approach to measuring 3D urban growth integrates Lidar processing with machine learning. It takes account of the specific needs of urban planners, is less complicated to run and addres...

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3D City Modelling of Istanbul

3D City Modelling of Istanbul

The Turkish city of Istanbul is developing a 3D city model mainly aimed at urban planning. The data sources used so far include airborne Lidar, aerial images and 2D maps containing footprints of build...

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3D City Modelling of Istanbul

3D City Modelling of Istanbul

The Turkish city of Istanbul is developing a 3D city model mainly aimed at urban planning. The data sources used so far include airborne Lidar, aerial images and 2D maps containing footprints of build...

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