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Benefits of GIS in Urban Planning

Benefits of GIS in Urban Planning

Traditional methods of information management are hard to use in the planning process of problematic urban areas such as squatter settlements. GIS provides the capability for dynam...

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Focus Stories

Every month we will focus on a specific theme, featuring a selection of articles which have previously been published in GIM International magazine. GIM brings you a bi-weekly round-up of Focus Stories related to the theme through our newsletter (sign up here).


Petabytes of geographic and spatial data are being captured every day, but how to store, retrieve, manage, display and analyse this mind-dazzling quantity? A Geographic Information System (GIS) is the technology for making better decisions about location and the solution to capture, manipulate and present all types of geospatial data. This month is dedicated to GIS and therefore, we feature a selection of articles which have previously been published in GIM International magazine.

GIS – A New Direction?

GIS – A New Direction?

Valued reader, It is with some sadness that I must inform you that this edition will be the final printed edition of GIS Professional. The difficult decision follows careful consid...

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INSPIRE Boosts Spatial Data Sharing

INSPIRE Boosts Spatial Data Sharing

The INSPIRE Directive was introduced in 2007 and should reach full implementation in 2020. Today, over halfway through the process, various important milestones have already been a...

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Bringing Geography into Everything

Bringing Geography into Everything

As Google’s geospatial technologist, Ed Parsons is responsible for evangelising Google’s mission to organise the world’s information using geography. GIM Internat...

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Is GIS Dead?

Is GIS Dead?

Three colleagues and I have been wrestling for two years with how we can best deliver a new version of our GIS textbook. The three previous editions have been successful, having so...

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