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Fugro's CEO: “Working for a Safer and More Sustainable World”

Mark Heine is chairman of the board and CEO of Fugro, with the headquarters in the Netherlands. Fugro is the leading and largest specialised survey company in the world, serving the full lifecycle of assets, and calls itself a Geo-data specialist. For the avid mountaineer Heine, challenges are never too high to take on, not even heading up a multinational in transition, from a company largely dependent on the oil and gas industry to one that wants to co-create a sustainable and liveable world. We talked to Mark Heine about leadership style, strategies for finding new employees, and Seabed 2030. About this ambitious project, Heine says ‘Commercial companies need to work together with NGOs and academia to make this happen.’ Mark Heine is chairman of the board and CEO of Fugro, which is headquartered in the Netherlands. Fugro is among the leading and largest specialized survey companies in the world,...

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Satnav Watching over Rugby Players

As France’s top rugby players scrum, run and tackle they are being tracked by more than just TV cameras and the watching eyes of the crowd. Satnav-based tracking devices between...

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The Digitalization of Construction

It is estimated that the global construction industry will grow to US$10.3 trillion by 2020. Arguably, the development and investment in ever-more innovative digital tools will be key in enabling that...

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