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SOUTH, the leading Chinese brand in the Geo-information industry, provides comprehensive international geographic solutions and has cultivated a robust reputation over the past 35 years. SOUTH products cover a series...

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The Advancing Technology of AUVs

Since the last autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) review in 2016, the market has continued to grow. The biggest market for AUV systems remains the military. The world’s most advanced navies...

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Using the Apache Unmanned Survey Vessel

This paper explores the various features of the Apache USV series for efficient seafloor-level mapping. The CHCNAV hydrographic survey software is used for data recording and analysis. It provides results...

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Extraterrestrial hydrography

While there is still lots of ocean mapping work to do on Earth, oceans situated elsewhere in our solar system hold plenty of mysteries too, writes Wim van Wegen in...

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