OxTS invests in improving customer support with new German office
OxTS has announced the opening of a new office in Germany. This move comes as part of the company's plan to expand its services and improve the quality of support it provides to its customers in Europe. OxTS is a leading provider of high-precision GNSS-aided inertial navigation systems.
According to Simon Thompson, director of core markets at OxTS, the new office in Germany will allow the company to offer direct technical support, product sales and calibration services to its German customers. "Following Brexit challenges, and the increased demand for accredited calibration services in Europe, our first priority will be to set up a service centre within our office so that we can offer our customers local support for their hardware," Thompson said.
Strong ties in Germany
OxTS has established strong ties in Germany through its partnerships with DTC and Zoller + Fröhlich. The OxTS Survey+ v3, xNAV v3 and xNAV650 inertial navigation systems (INS) are renowned as ideal companions to the Z+F range of laser scanning hardware solutions. By combining OxTS’s INS data with the data from Z+F’s laser scanning measurement systems, users can create highly accurate, georeferenced point clouds. These point clouds can be used in multiple applications for feature extraction and analysis, and are known for their high quality and precision.
"We are investing to improve the quality of service our customers receive. Much like in the case of our USA and China offices, we are committed to working in partnership with our existing distributors and customers for the long term," Thompson added.
The opening of the new office in Germany is expected to further strengthen OxTS's position in the European market and help the company provide better support to its customers.

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