5 Questions to... Christian Heipke
The ISPRS Congress is in full swing. How did you experience it up to now?
The congress is very well organized, there is a good atmosphere and the people are eager to learn. The presentations were interesting. The two fora were important, well attended and with a useful discussion. They were a bridge between science and application, contributing to the profession.
You are now chairing the ISPRS. How do you feel about this?
I feel good about it. It’s good to see the society move forward at this pace. Good to see that people want to take on responsibility in the organisation. I see it as a sign that the ISPRS is attractive. I also feel a responsibility for myself to give back to what I received in support and encouragement earlier in my career. Now I am able to create the same possibilities and opportunities for the younger generation and contribute to their development. The organization helps to bring the photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information to the people.
What are you going to take from the ISPRS Congress 2016?
Change is possible. We have changed a bit over the last four years and this had a good reflection on the community. More change is needed in relationship to the commercial sector. As far as science is concerned, we should create more opportunities for corporations with the world outside ISPRS in the areas of computer vision, remote sensing (radar to name an example) and GIS, in particular database-related subjects. Great work is done out there. We have to continue our outreach and keep our eyes open for what’s going on there and what may be interesting for our applications. We can have a more streamlined approach to do this.
What will be the main actions for the ISPRS in the next years ?
The necessary change that I mentioned is one of them. With respect of the changes in the last four years, we have to first consolidate what we initiated and implemented. Then, we need to keep strong in science – they are the applications of tomorrow, cornerstones of the organization. Science is also important as a way to communicate throughout the world and we need to encourage this and open that door even further. Another activity is to increase the involvment of participants from Latin America and Africa. After some efforts I see increasing aactivities in Latin America now. We tried the same in Africa , but we have to put more effort into this.
Is there anything else you want to share to the readers of the ISPRS Congress Daily?
I can be short here: we’re enjoying a great congress and I would like to say a big thank you to the organisers. We hope to continue the way we started in the time to come!
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