Intergeo 2023: Berlin welcomes geospatial excellence
From 10 to 12 October, the vibrant capital city of Germany will be the epicentre of geoinformation innovation as it hosts Intergeo Expo and Conference. With a rich array of topics, renowned speakers and numerous examples of international collaboration on display in Berlin, this dynamic event promises to chart the course for a more sustainable and interconnected geospatial future.
Staying true to the event's guiding principle, 'Inspiration for a smarter world', Intergeo Expo and Conference will showcase the most advanced geospatial technologies, innovative applications and profound expertise in geodesy, geoinformation and land management. Professor Dr.-Ing. Rudolf Staiger, president of the event's organizer DVW, comments: "Intergeo is the international stage for all those shaping a sustainable future, including urban planners, climate researchers, geodesists, mobility experts, marketeers, farmers, foresters, oceanographers and many other professions that rely on geodata."
The themes of housing, mobility, sustainability, climate change, internal security, disaster prevention and protection, and the creation of equitable living conditions are all growing in significance. These areas can only progress with a dependable and readily accessible spatial information database.
Charting the future of geodesy and land management
The 29th edition of Intergeo will highlight key topics including Earth observation, maritime solutions, unmanned systems and building information modelling (BIM). The conference will offer insights into the future of geodesy and land management across three days, covering GIS and artificial intelligence, metaverse and cloud applications, Earth observation and environmental monitoring, smart city, infrastructure BIM, digital twins, Copernicus and Galileo satellite services, 4D geodata, 3D cadastre, smart mapping applications, Geobasis 2030 and 3D point clouds. Alongside international keynote speakers, the conference will feature panel discussions and networking events to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and hands-on experiences.
German Cartography Congress
Within the Intergeo Conference, the German Cartography Congress 2023 will delve into the often underestimated spectrum of cartography. The lecture programme will encompass topics such as atlases, map collections and map design. The event will also focus on the integration of artificial intelligence into cartography, with Professor Monika Sester addressing 'Generalization with Machine Learning Methods' in her keynote. Following that, Professor Sebastian Meier will provoke thought with his lecture titled 'Critical Cartography in Times of Hallucinating Machines'.
Exhibitors from more than 40 countries
Five exhibition halls will be dedicated to innovation, housing over 560 exhibitors from more than 40 nations for three days. Approximately 100 new products and international premieres will debut at the Intergeo Expo stage. Daniel Katzer, managing director and trade fair manager of Expo organizer Hinte Expo & Conference GmbH, proudly highlights the presence of many new international exhibitors and a significant representation from North America and Asia. He states: "China and South Korea are represented side by side in various joint stands. They are all coming to Intergeo as exhibitors to network with the international community. At Intergeo, the markets of tomorrow are shaped through dialogue with the relevant target groups."
This year, three thematic areas will group products and applications within BIM (BIM Area), Earth Observation and Maritime Solutions. On three Expo stages, a diverse range of exhibitors will showcase applications from the geospatial community. Katzer elaborates: "The programme spans from digital cities to mobile mapping, digital twins, sensors and artificial intelligence, Earth observation, recruiting, as well as presentations by young researchers."
Numerous esteemed partners contribute their expertise networks to support the presentation of highlight topics. These collaborations involve DVW eV, UAV Dach eV, and the German Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing in the realm of unmanned systems. The German Aerospace Center (DLR) and the European Space Agency (ESA) lead in Earth observation, while the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) participates in maritime solutions, among other driving forces. The BIM Days Germany (BTD) promote cross-sector networking in the construction industry through cooperation with Intergeo for the BIM sector.
The Berlin factor
The core industries of geodesy, geoinformation and land management at Intergeo serve an expanding range of professions and applications with geospatial data and solutions. Challenges like the climate crisis, urbanization and resource security demand the use of spatial data. DVW President Staiger affirms: "Intergeo provides a comprehensive understanding of the entire impact chain, from data collection via satellites, UAVs, mobile mapping and GNSS, to integrated spatial referencing and applications in climate adaptation and property security." Staiger eagerly anticipates three days of Intergeo Expo and Conference in Berlin, stating: "Intergeo in Berlin is always a guarantee for success as it brings international geospatial expertise to users."

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