Technology Transfer Caravan

Technology Transfer Caravan

A Special Interest Group (SIG), “Technology Transfer Caravan”, was established in ISPRS Commission VI at the Congress in Istanbul in 2004. The SIG is chaired by Prof. Dr Armin Gruen, Institute of Geodesy and Photogrammetry, ETH Zurich and co-chaired by Prof. Dr Shunji Murai, emeritus professor, Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo; the post of secretary is held by Dr Lal Samarakoon, GIS Application Center (GAC), Asian Institute of Technology. Homepage: The SIG has a four-year period of tenure and is devoted to the transfer of technology, as represented by ISPRS, at different levels. Particular emphasis is currently on the coverage of Asian emerging and development countries, and on the support and education of students and young scientists worldwide. These activities are closely connected to the ISPRS “White Elephant Club”; an Association of experienced past and present ISPRS officers and related persons supporting the goals of the Caravan SIG.

Terms of Reference
The terms of reference of the Caravan SIG are:

- transfer of knowledge and technology by the initiation and organising of seminars, tutorials and workshops, with special consideration for the needs of developing countries

- developing teaching material for mobile, caravan-type teaching and training projects

- initiating and supporting e-learning and remote-teaching activities, with a focus on integration of high-tech elements in teaching and training

- supporting events actively participated in by young scientists and students

- soliciting the support of potential sponsors (system manufacturers, government agencies, NGO/NPOs, foundations etc.) for projects and activities.

Caravan Activities
The following is a list of events initiated by and participated in by the Caravan SIG:

- Remote Sensing and GIS for Forest Resources Management, 16th to
20th September 2004, Yangon, Myanmar. Local Host: Forest Department of
Myanmar, Sponsor: JAXA, 35 participants. Lecturers: Yokoyama, Aleinmar
Htwe, Myint Swe, Kulapramote Prathumchai, Kyaw Sann Oo, Lal Samarakoon.
Materials: Case studies data and lecture materials on CD.

- UNESCO Training Workshop for Site Managers and Conference, “Space
Technologies to Support the Conservation of Natural and Cultural
Heritage”, 25th to 28th October and 28th October to 2nd November 2005,
Campeche, Mexico. With lecturers A. Gruen and F. Remondino, the SIG
made key contributions to both events.

- Caravan/JAXA Training Course “Remote Sensing and GIS for Watershed
Management” in Vientiane, Laos, 5th to 9th December 2005. Sponsor:
JAXA, thirty-eight participants. Lecturers: A. Gruen, Y. Inomata, S.
Ito, Kyaw Sann Oo, Sh. Murai, Nah, V. Phonekeo, Kulpamote Prathumchai,
L. Samarakoon. Materials: Case-studies data and lecture materials on CD.

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