A Foretaste of Intergeo 2016: Digital and Smart Cities

A Foretaste of Intergeo 2016: Digital and Smart Cities

Intergeo 2016 is rapidly approaching. Attendees already have the chance to study the conference programme and select the perfect slots, which is no easy task with so many hot topics and gripping speakers to choose from. The online edition of the Intergeo REPORT trade fair magazine has been published on Monday 12 September. Read on for details of the programme highlights.

With his keynote speech on the opportunities and challenges facing the geoinformation industry, Nigel Clifford promises an exciting start to the opening day of the conference. As chief executive officer of the British Ordnance Survey – probably the longest-established surveying authority in the world – Clifford will be describing how the Ordnance Survey has reinvented itself many times and is now setting new standards as a customer-oriented service provider for private and business customers. He believes that the geoindustry has a great future ahead of it and will be crucial for society. Clifford will be sorting and categorising. And with his many years of professional experience and a good portion of verve, he will be taking his audience on a journey through the geo IT sector and technologies.

From digital construction to smart city

Following on from Clifford, Bryn Fosburgh will guide his audience through the cities of the future. As vice president, geospatial, civil engineering & construction, buildings industry at Trimble Navigation, he knows about the technological must-haves that will help prepare cities for their role as smart cities. Trimble is a technology company that will use this keynote speech to present itself as a solutions provider for the digital cities of the future – from the smallest imaginable unit of digital construction (BIM) to large-scale plans for smart cities.


On the second day, Dr Carsten Brosda, Hamburg’s state secretary for culture, media and digital affairs, and Dr Sebastian Saxe, chief digital pfficer and chief information officer at the Hamburg Port Authority, will follow up on the themes of the previous speakers. No other city in Germany is working as hard as Hamburg on the process of intelligently digitalising its environment. From a very early stage, the political decision-makers made becoming a digital city a top priority and developed an inter-authority strategy. The city is clearly heading towards future sustainability.

And as Germany’s largest sea port, the Hamburg Port Authority is keeping pace with the city’s development. The heart of the Port of Hamburg already has a digital beat – it already possesses an efficient infrastructure that controls and optimises processes in a remarkable way.


The cities of the future will be digital. This is why Intergeo is fully committed to smart cities as the major topic of 2016, as can be seen with the placement of Smart City SOLUTIONS as a theme and exhibition platform at Intergeo, coupled with panel discussions, lots of exhibitors and conference slots. To showcase all the aspects of smart cities – from BIM to large-scale planning processes – and give visitors maximum benefit, Intergeo relies on collaborations with partners such as the international BIM association Building-Smart e.V., Germany’s Federal Smart City Association “Bundesverband Smart City e.V.” and the SmartCity.institute from Hamburg.

Intergeo REPORT

Can’t wait for Intergeo 2016? The online edition of the Intergeo REPORT trade fair magazine provides a little taster – with interviews, reports, features and of course the exhibitor catalogue and product overview.

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