AARG2013: Call for Papers

AARG2013: Call for Papers

The Aerial Archaeology Research Group (AARG) has announced that abstract submission is now open for the 30th conference. The 2013 edition of this annual conference will take place from 26 to 28 September at the Dutch Cultural Heritage (RCE) agency in Amersfoort, The Netherlands.

The conference is hosted by the DECARS (Dutch Expertise Centre for Archaeological Remote Sensing) and RCE and will bring together scientists, students, decision-makers, end users and commercial companies that are interested in archaeological remote sensing. All themes related to archaeological remote sensing will be covered, with the aim of continuing the debate on the use and applicability of remote sensing technologies for archaeology and cultural heritage management applications, not only for research but also for the promotion of conservation and public understanding.

  • How can our various techniques be deployed in combination with one another, and with what practical outcomes?

  • How can we build bridges across regional or national divides?

  • What can we learn from combining or comparing our techniques?

  • How can we make our results useful to those involved in practical conservation and future planning?

  • How do our national or regional realities assist or impede the use of remote sensing techniques in research, conservation and the promotion of public understanding?

The organisation invites professionals to submit an abstract of maximum 150 words for a proposed presentation/poster on any of the following themes:

  • Archaeological remote sensing in the low countries

  • Innovative trends

  • RS for cultural heritage management

  • Human-environment interactions in fluvial systems using RS approaches

  • Close range and 3D photogrammetry

Related themes can be suggested. Submission of abstracts can be sent to the AARG chair, Oscar Aldred. The organisation asks you to indicate your presentation preference, whether oral presentation or poster, and to provide your full affiliation. Oral papers should be approximately 20 minutes long. Equal value is given to poster presentations.

The programme will offer keynote presentations, paper presentation sessions, poster sessions and social events to share your ideas, explore ongoing research and future developments, including state-of-the-art applications, and network with the professionals from academia, government and industry who are interested in promoting archaeological remote sensing activities.

Important dates:

31 May 2013 - Closing date for paper proposals
30 June 2013 - Deadline for early registration fee
22 July 2013 - Closing date for registration

Presenting authors, oral or poster, are required to pay their registration fee before 30 June 2013, otherwise their contributions will be removed from the final programme.

For exhibitors and sponsors there is a number of opportunities for sponsorship of the conference and for companies and organisations to exhibit. Your enquiries can be sent to the organisers.

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