AeroGRID Welcomes Geodis as Partner

AeroGRID Welcomes Geodis as Partner

AeroGRID the aerial imagery alliance is proud to announce their new Prime Partner Geodis Brno (CZ). Geodis will provide high resolution aerial imagery of all the Czech Republic, which will be accessible to all AeroGRID customers both on and off line.  


"Geodis have proved themselves to be one of the most successful ‘off the shelf' companies in the world, with the capacity to regularly update Czech national and urban photography at ever higher resolutions. This precisely mirrors the AeroGRID concept, to make the most up to date aerial imagery available to the global market," said Miles Taylor AeroGRID's Development Manager.


"AeroGRID provides Geodis with an excellent opportunity to make its data available to a wider market," said Karel Sukup Geodis CEO. "Through AeroGRID customers can purchase up to date high resolution aerial photography of the Czech Republic; there is no need to commission new flying, the data is simply available off the shelf, perfect for the production of  accurate digital terrain models for example," continued Sukup.


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