Autodesk and Oracle Integrate Geospatial Solutions

Autodesk and Oracle Integrate Geospatial Solutions

Autodesk, Inc. (CA, USA) has announced it will provide integrated geospatial solutions with Oracle to enable customers to maximise operational efficiencies, based on a wealth of location and structural data. Autodesk will work with Oracle to market solutions in strategic markets such as government, utilities, telecommunications and transportation. The combined solutions, which include Autodesk geospatial software and Oracle database and spatial technology, offer customers the ability to create, manage, and share GIS and CAD data throughout the organisation in a single, open, standards-based environment without costly additional investment or expertise in proprietary software and systems.

GIS tools based on proprietary data formats require manual data entry by GIS and engineering staff to keep information up-to-date. When CAD and GIS data are locked in department-specific systems, paper maps serve as the primary means for sharing information, putting teams at risk of using outdated materials and requiring laborious, error-prone re-mapping to achieve any sort of integration with other systems. By enabling customers to work with both CAD and GIS data in a new way, Autodesk and Oracle are helping organizations eliminate conventional barriers to inter-departmental collaboration, and facilitating communication of vital data for informed, efficient and cost-effective decisions.

Autodesk's geospatial solutions including Autodesk Map 3D, Autodesk MapGuide, and Autodesk Topobase software are optimized to work together with Oracle Spatial, as well as Oracle Database technology. Together they can provide users with greater capacity for analysis and synchronisation of large volumes of geospatial data.

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