Be Together: The Bentley User Conference

Be Together: The Bentley User Conference

Registration for this year's Be Together: The Bentley User Conference is open to all architects, engineers, constructors, geospatial professionals, and CAD managers. The conference takes place 23rd to 26th May 2011, at the Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia, USA, and carries the theme "Sharpen Your Edge."

This interactive conference gives Bentley users the opportunity to advance their skills, increase their knowledge, network with their peers, and gain competitive advantage in the marketplace as they attend multidisciplinary sessions from nine conference tracks, including: Roads and Bridges, Building, Structural, Water, Geospatial, Utilities and Communications, Plant, AssetWise, and MicroStation and ProjectWise. By attending these information-packed sessions, they'll earn Bentley Institute Learning Units to establish their growing value to their respective organisations and advance their careers. Among the enhancements to this year's Be Together conference are a wider selection of hands-on workshops and extra time between sessions for networking. Users who register before 1st April 2011, receive an early bird rate.

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