Couderé Partners with Gatewing for Aerial Survey

Couderé Partners with Gatewing for Aerial Survey

Couderé Geomatic Engineering, Belgium, and Gatewing have entered into an agreement which allows Couderé to market and support Gatewing's X100 unmanned aerial vehicle in Belgium, The Netherlands, Luxembourg, Germany, Switzerland and Liechtenstein. The X100 UAV facilitates automatic aerial photography at an elevation of between 100 and 175 metres, which are GPS positioned and precise.  

Using this raw imagery, the users can create orthophotos and accurate digital surface models. As the system is easy to transport it is to deploy to map middle-sized areas (1-4km2), allowing the operator to stay on the ground when the UAV is flying its pre-programmed lines.


The Gatewing concept consists of two steps, the first being the capture of aerial photography followed by the second step consisting of bringing the imagery together in one big orthophoto and a digital surface model using the automatic software.


The contract allows Couderé to extend the company's offer of surveys on land and water with aerial surveys for precise geo-related applications on bigger areas. This can be needed as an addition to terrestrial surveys, or in addition to or a valuable alternative to Lidar for monitoring of crops and vegetation, to create flexible maps when planning, visualising or following up on land management projects.


The cooperation allows Gatewing to focus on the creation of an international dealer network instead of direct sales, at the same time allowing Couderé to operate internationally with their products and services.

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