DVP-GS Releases Version 6.2

DVP-GS Releases Version 6.2

DVP-GS (Canada) has released version 6.2 of its professional photogrammetry software. This version includes a completely updated Orthomosaic module.

Key features in this module include:

-          One-step mosaic creation from the aerial image negating the need for creating an intermediary orthophoto for each image. 

-          On-the-fly global color balancing and image dodging, letting the user verify results before processing

-          Support for the output of rotated orthomosaics.  This means that the pixel does not have to be North up.  This is very useful for corridor projects and demonstrates DVP’s flexibility.

Other main enhancements in Version 6 platform:

-          Support for JPEG compressed 16-bit TIFF images

-          Optimised memory usage for large DEM and vector files

-          More functions ported to our Javascript macro programming engine

This release continues to include plugins for Microstation, ArcGIS, and updated for AutoCAD 2007. Version 6.3 will be available at the end of April and Version 6.4 will be released in August 2007.

Source: Groupe ALTA

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