ESTEIO and SIMEPAR Cooperate on UAV Monitoring and Mapping

ESTEIO and SIMEPAR Cooperate on UAV Monitoring and Mapping

The Brazilian companies ESTEIO Engenharia e Aerolevantamentos S.A. and Instituto Tecnológico SIMEPAR have entered into a Technical Cooperation Agreement that visualises the joint action of these companies in the market of mapping and monitoring with the use of UAS (Unmanned Aerial Systems) platforms.

UAV and Low Altitude Photogrammetry are shown as a set of techniques for collecting and processing images that open new opportunities for users of aerial images providing a faster and more direct acquisition on specific or smaller areas where a traditional aerial survey is not the most appropriate solution.

The combination and integration of skills and experience of ESTEIO S.A. in specialised aerial surveys, airborne sensors and photogrammetry and SIMEPAR Institute in UAV systems for environment monitoring will result in a competitive level with significance and importance in relation to the operation of this cartographic segment in expansion in Brazil and worldwide.

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