FIG 2014 Congress: Silver Jubilee Edition

FIG 2014 Congress: Silver Jubilee Edition

The XXV FIG International Congress 2014 will be one of the premier international events within the surveying field in 2014 and the silver jubilee edition of the congress will be a grand celebration. The congress will be held at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, from 16 to 21 June 2014. The programme will showcase the work of FIG and its commissions, task forces and permanent institutions.

The programme will be underpinned by invited presentations in four plenary sessions covering various topics within the overall theme ‘Engaging the Challenges – Enhancing the Relevance’. The four consecutive congress days will be offering up to 10 parallel sessions and workshops. This will allow more than 700 presentations in the entire broadness of the surveying profession. Please visit for a glance at  the programme.

Attendants will also be offered a range of very interesting technical tours aimed at highlighting the role of the profession in Malaysia and set across the broad context of FIG’s Commissions. For more information about the six tours offered, please visit

An excellent programme of social functions/tours will be offered for the congress that promises a tantalising taste of some of the great locations, cuisine and performance art of Kuala Lumpur and Malaysia.

More information

For more information about the call for papers and specific themes:

To find out more about this grand celebration, please visit the congress web site:

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