GIM International’s Final Issue of the Year Is Full of Forward-thinking Geomatics Approaches

GIM International’s Final Issue of the Year Is Full of Forward-thinking Geomatics Approaches

The last 2015 issue of GIM International underneath your Christmas tree? It's on its way to your place. This edition contains an exclusive interview with Steven Xu, CEO of Hi-Target. Editorial manager Wim van Wegen interviewed Xu at this year's Intergeo in Stuttgart. In addition to the interview, the December issue contains articles on trends in spatial domain standards, geohazard management on the Canadian National Railway corridor and UAS experiences in Africa.

Apart from the articles, readers will find a report on smart cities in India written by our contributing editor, Frédérique Coumans. Senior editor Mathias Lemmens attended the Racurs Conference (15th International Scientic and Technical Conference From Imagery to Map: Digital Photogrammetric Technologies)  in Yucatan, Mexico and wrote an extensive report on this pioneering event.

Last but not least, Stig Enemark contributed a nice column on the Millennium Development Goals that are being replaced by the Sustainable Development Goals. “The continuing challenge will be innovation in the mindset of land professionals to cope with new, integrated approaches and a demand for interaction across generations of land professionals to ensure implementation of a holistic approach to sustainable development over time”, Enemark writes.  A theme worth contemplating while sitting around the Christmas tree!

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