Hamburg 3D in Google

Hamburg 3D in Google

CyberCity (Switzerland) has generated a photorealistic 3D City Model of the City of Hamburg, Germany, and has integrated the data in Google Earth.

Thanks to a cooperative project between Google and Hamburg@work, an initiative that networks public and private members of the media, information technology and telecommunications branches, visitors to the Google Earth Web site will soon be able to take a virtual three-dimensional tour of the northern Germany city.


Cybercity was responsible for the technical aspects of the project, took 500 aerial photographs taken at an angle from 1,000 meters (3,280 feet). These were then used to digitally extrapolate the building facade in detail. Cybercity developed the software that is capable of undoing the distortion inherent to the diagonal aerial photos and transferring the images to the 3-D model.

It has not yet disclosed when the 3-D tour of Hamburg will be accessible online.


Source: Cybercity

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