Intergraph at Intergeo 2012

Intergraph at Intergeo 2012

Intergraph, headquartered in the USA, will be among the exhibitors at this year's Intergeo Conference and Trade Fair for Geodesy, Geoinformation and Land Management from 9 to 11 October in Hanover, Germany. Intergeo 2012 brings together market leaders and decision-makers from around the globe to communicate and preview emerging trends in surveying, GIS, remote sensing and photogrammetry.

During Intergeo 2012, Intergraph is to give an exclusive preview of the Intergraph Geospatial 2013 product release, which provides a comprehensive, end-to-end geospatial portfolio that empowers users to discover and exploit the information contained in data from any source, share it rapidly (and securely) and deliver it on demand as reliable and actionable information to drive smarter decisions.

Intergraph and local distributor Geosystems will share exhibition space to provide live demonstrations and introduce the new capabilities within the portfolio. Highlights include new viewing technology that enables users to simultaneously view point clouds in 2D, 3D and as a cross section, as well as a next-generation spatial modeler with real-time preview for automation of complex processes.

Intergraph will be located in Hall 7, Stand G.15.

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