ISPRS Congress 2016 Call for Papers

ISPRS Congress 2016 Call for Papers

After Beijing 2008 and Melbourne 2012, the Congress of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing returns to Europe in 2016, and this time to its geographical centre: the city of Prague. Geomatics professionals have an excellent opportunity to join the leading companies in the field at the Congress exhibition and can reserve exhibition space now. The submission for papers to the ISPRS Congress in Prague in July 2016 is also now open and the call for papers has been launched.

All interested authors are invited to submit either an abstract by 13 December or a full paper for double blind peer review by 30 November. Various best author awards will be given to best authors of papers and posters.

Congress Proceedings are listed in the ISI Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI) of the Web of Science, SCOPUS and DOAJ.

The call for papers for the newly established National Mapping Forum is in progress. Authors from Mapping and/or Cadastral Agencies are encouraged to submit papers. ISPRS with the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA) will organise the first ISPRS-IAA Space Agency Forum during the Congress. Authors from Space Agencies are encouraged to submit papers.


A Computer Assisted Teaching CONtest (CATCON) will be organised. The main objective of CATCON is to promote the development and dissemination of effective, educational and user-friendly multimedia tutorial, simulations and virtual environments, information packages, etc.  

Young scientists will have their own programme: the scientific at the Youth Forum and the social before the Forum.

ISPRS will organise a Summer School before the Congress. Participants of the Summer School have to present an accepted paper at the Congress.

For more information about XXIII ISPRS Congress, visit the website and find out more about CATCON, Youth Forum, ISPRS-IAA Space Agency Forum and even more. Do not hesitate to contact the ISPRS Congress 2016 team for any further information.

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