Land Record System State India to Go Digital

Land Record System State India to Go Digital

The Government of Andhra Pradesh, a state in south-eastern India started working on the Integrated Land Information System (ILIS) for maintaining a clear record of title of properties covering agricultural, residential, commercial and industrial properties. According to Spatial India Chief Minister Y.S. Rajasekhara Reddy flagged off an aircraft of the National Remote Sensing Agency (NRSA), marking the launch of the resurvey operations on a pilot basis for Nizamabad district using aerial photography. The photo data will be processed for prints for appropriate ground verification of boundaries with farmers. This helps the government achieve absolute title security by creating a register of conclusive titles.

“The introduction of ILIS is necessary to avoid complications arising from bogus registration deeds, Chief Minister said after the launch.

The project, which has been launched on a pilot basis, will be extended to other districts before the end of 2008.

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