Leica CloudWorx in Package

Leica CloudWorx in Package

COADE and Leica Geosystems announced at the daratechPLANT2009 conference an agreement under which COADE will resell Leica Geosystems' CloudWorx Basic software. CloudWorx, in conjunction with COADE CADWorx fieldPipe for CloudWorx, allows users to work efficiently and directly with as-built laser scan data to produce intelligent plant models. COADE is demonstrating these tools at this year's daratechPLANT 2009 conference in Houston (TX, USA).  


By offering both CloudWorx and CADWorx fieldPipe for CloudWorx, COADE not only expands COADE's offerings of "as-built" software solutions, but also gives users single-point access to the tools they need to produce intelligent, full-featured as-builts from their valuable scanned data. Whereas in the past users had to use multi-step processes to produce such intelligence, this new tool does it seamlessly, in one step, enabling users to produce intelligent models from which can be produced isometrics, bills of material and bi-directional links to analysis packages.



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