LuraDocument JPM/PDF for Kodak Capture Software

LuraDocument JPM/PDF for Kodak Capture Software

LuraDocument JPM/PDF Exporter for the Kodak Capture Software (CS) is released and can be requested as demo version on LuraTech's website and can also be licensed as full version.

The LuraDocument JPM/PDF Kodak CS Exporter which integrates itself smoothly into the Capture Software enables the users to export scanned documents highly compressed with optimal quality directly from the Kodak Capture Software. The user can select whether he would like to produce JPEG2000/Part6 files (JPM-format) or the LuraDocument PDF files generated with the methods of JPEG2000/Part6. The last-mentioned can be viewed without any additional software or plug-ins in the Acrobat Reader starting from version 5. In both formats - LuraDocument JPM and LuraDocument PDF - scanned documents are divided into three layers and each layer is compressed with a compression process which is optimal coordinated to it. This principle has been standardised as 'multilayer compression' for document compression by the ISO as JPEG2000/Part6. As option for the black/White layer there is also JBIG2 available besides fax G4 compression.

The module works optimally both for black-and-white originals (JBIG2 compressed PDF) and for gray scale documents as well as for full-coloured documents.

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