Optech Releases ILRIS-3DVP

Optech Releases ILRIS-3DVP

Optech Incorporated (Canada) has released ILRIS-3DVP (Value Package), the latest value-enhanced option complementing their ILRIS-3D line of laser scanning products.

The ILRIS-3DVP option provides the same accuracy, durability and expediency as its big brother the ILRIS-3D, but in an economy package. With ILRIS-3DVP users can still achieve many of the 3D scanning capabilities that ILRIS-3D users have come to depend upon, such as: 
•    Dynamic scanning at ranges from 3m to beyond 1,500m
•    Complete metrically accurate surveying solutions
•    Class 1 eyesafety rating
•    Rugged design and packaging
•    Easily portable and deployed by a single operator 
•    Quick scanning and processing for maximum efficiency.

“This option package is ideal for those looking to enter the laser scanning marketplace or to supplement their existing ILRIS-3D systems,” says Brent Gelhar, director, Lidar Technology Products. 

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