Opti-cal and GeoSLAM Release ZEB1

Opti-cal and GeoSLAM Release ZEB1

Opti-cal Survey Equipment and GeoSLAM combine to offer you the latest in 3D laser scanning. The ZEB1 is the first truly mobile lightweight hand-held scanner which captures data of previously difficult surveying locations.

The ZEB1 is suitable for use in a number of applications including, mining, forensics, landscape, architecture, forestry, stockpiles as well as rapid visualisation.

Using Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping (SLAM) Technology, GeoSLAM's ZEB1 automatically creates 3D point clouds without the need for external positioning data such as GNSS.

Without the need for tripods and targets, the user can simply walk through the survey environment and rapidly record more than 40,000 measurement points per second. Once the data has been collected, it can be uploaded to the GeoSLAM Cloud, where SLAM software will transform the survey measurements into a fully registered point cloud. The data can then be downloaded and is ready for designing and analysing in your existing CAD package.

The ZEB1 eliminates the need for upfront software costs and annual maintenance charges with the pay-as-you-go data processing and 3D download service.

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