Point Grey Cameras Certified as USB3 Vision Compliant

Point Grey Cameras Certified as USB3 Vision Compliant

Point Grey, the Canadian designer and manufacturer of innovative, high-performance digital cameras, has announced Flea3 and Grasshopper3 USB 3.0 cameras have successfully passed the Automated Imaging Association's (AIA) official USB3 Vision compliance testing. The compliance made its debut in October this year at the PlugFest event in Schongau, Germany.

Testing includes AIA's validation suite, which evaluates USB3 Vision protocol behavioural requirements; and the Command Verifier tool from the USB Implementer's Forum (USB-IF), which evaluates enumeration and ensures the device responds correctly to standard control requests based on the USB 3.0 specification.

Point Grey's Flea3 and Grasshopper3 cameras successfully passed all required tests during the PlugFest. Plug and play testing with third-party imaging libraries was also conducted. Streaming and device control tests were performed with libraries such as National Instruments LabVIEW, MVTec HALCON, and Matrox Imaging Library (MIL).

Michael Gibbons, director of sales and marketing at Point Grey commented they have been working for many months on interoperability testing with third-party libraries in order to ensure consistent behaviour between USB 3.0 products. Compliance testing formalises this process and is aimed at giving customers confidence in USB3 Vision and a positive overall user experience.

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