Skyline Software Systems Releases Skylineglobe Server V7.0.1

Skyline Software Systems Releases Skylineglobe Server V7.0.1

Skyline Software Systems Inc. has released SkylineGlobe Server 7.0.1, a private cloud solution that provides a comprehensive set of web services for publishing, storing, managing and streaming 3D spatial data.  Using SkylineGlobe Server 7.0.1, GIS organisations can directly publish 3D GIS data to all clients using server or standalone applications.

The 7.0.1 update offers improved cache management and a customized authentication component. Providing a unified, centralised server technology and management interface, Skyline customers can control and manage the complete 3D geospatial data life cycle with ease and confidence. The new release also includes an update to TerraExplorer for Web (v7.0.1). This update includes support for elevation layers, transparency of layers, improved touch gestures and Cesium 1.35. TerraExplorer 7.0.1 significantly improves support to Google Earth Enterprise and WMTS image providers.

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