Target for ArcGIS 3.0 Subsurface Extension

Target for ArcGIS 3.0 Subsurface Extension

Geosoft (Canada) has made available its 2008 Target for ArcGIS software release, version 3.0. The new 3D capabilities in this release enable customers to enhance their view of the subsurface, by creating and displaying subsurface geology as 3D geology voxels, and 3D geological surfaces.

Target for ArcGIS 3.0 allows customers to create fence diagrams from selected drillholes, visualise their data with an improved high-quality true transparency 3D view and allows the easy manipulation of 3D isosurfaces and voxels from within an enhanced 3D interface.


Geosoft will begin shipping Target for ArcGIS 3.0 the week of 11th February 2008.

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