Topcon Announces Executive Promotions

Topcon Announces Executive Promotions

Topcon (CA, USA) has announced two high-level promotions. Joe Brabec will serve as Topcon's chief technology officer, and Jamie Williamson will serve as senior vice president of sales and marketing.

Brabec’s prior eight-year success with Agtek, his extensive knowledge of technology, and his impressive performance record at Topcon make him highly qualified for this crucial position. As CTO, he will be responsible for guiding Topcon's macro technology programs and formulating research / development budgets.

Williamson joined the company in 1995 when Topcon Positioning Systems was formed. His prior responsibilities with Spectra Physics ranged from sales to worldwide product and marketing manager. During his years with Topcon, his leadership abilities and undaunted pursuit of goals have set a high standard for the company’s sales and marketing forces.

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