Two Innovation Awards for LAStools Developer at Intergeo

Two Innovation Awards for LAStools Developer at Intergeo

rapidlasso, the maker of the popular Lidar processing software LAStools, was awarded top honours at Intergeo in both of the categories the company had been nominated for: most innovative software and most innovative start-up. The third award for most innovative hardware went to Leica Geosystems for the BLK360 terrestrial scanner. The annual Wichman Innovation Awards have been part of Intergeo for six years now. rapidlasso was first nominated at the inaugural event in 2012 for its open-source Lidar compressor LASzip, which eventually came in as runner-up in second place.

After receiving the two awards Dr Martin Isenburg, the founder and CEO of rapidlasso GmbH, was quick to thank the "fun, active, and dedicated user community" of the LAStools software for their incredible support in the online voting. He pointed out that it was its users who make LAStools more than just an efficient software for processing point clouds. Since 2011, the community surrounding LAStools has constantly grown to several thousand users who help and motivate each other in designing workflows and in solving format issues and processing challenges. They are an integral part of what makes these tools so valuable, Isenburg stated.

About rapidlasso

Technology company rapidlasso specialises in efficient Lidar processing tools that are widely known for their high productivity. They combine robust algorithms with efficient I/O and clever memory management to achieve high throughput for data sets containing billions of points. The company's flagship product – the LAStools software suite – has deep market penetration and is heavily used in industry, government agencies, research labs, and educational institutions. Visit the rapidlasso website for more information.


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