Vexcel Announces EarthView Matrix-Polarimetric SAR Software

Vexcel Announces EarthView Matrix-Polarimetric SAR Software

Vexcel Corporation (CO, USA) has announced the release of EarthView (EV) Matrix, the a commercially available Polarimetric SAR software. EV-Matrix is a software package designed to give the SAR researcher full flexibility in viewing, manipulating and analysing polarimetric SAR imagery.

EV-Matrix provides tools for data ingest, speckle filtering, classification, decomposition and rapid display of multi-channel polarimetric SAR data. Areas of interest may be defined using vector editing tools, or may be initialised from external files. Routines to calculate various polarimetric parameters such as co-pol and cross-pol signatures, channel histograms, degree of polarization, entropy, alpha angle and anisotropy are readily available for both point and distributed targets. In addition, the package provides an interface for user defined mathematical combinations of polarimetric channels. The addition of EV-Matrix into the EarthView family of products gives the SAR research community a complete suite of SAR and Hyperspectral image analysis products to advance the technologies into the future.

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