Vidar Released 36” Scanners

Vidar Released 36” Scanners

Vidar (VA, USA) has released three new 36" scanners; the Atlas 600e, Select 600e and the Nova 36e colour scanners. The Atlas 600e and Select 600e both feature 48-bit CCD Technology with 77,000 (colour) pixel image capture. Additional features include, Accuracy Lens Enhancement (ALE) for precise and stable scan accuracy of 0.1%+- 1 pixel, All-Wheel drive for smoothly handling of large originals and Automatic Thickness Adjustment that allows scanning of up to 15mm/.6” media thickness.

It has the same features found in the Atlas and Select, a four linear CCD ensures image reproduction with 30,000 pixels of data capture. This scanner has a fast 10/ips monochrome speed in either the Base or Plus configuration and in colour has a fast 1.5/ips for the Base version and 3/ips for the Plus version
Support for Windows and Macintosh operating systems.
Scanners include flexible connectivity with FireWire and USB2 interfaces for ease of installation and use. The new scanners are RoHS and Energy Star approved.

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